TSM & Customer Satisfaction Results

The Regulator of Social Housing introduces Tenant Satisfaction Measures
After the tragedy of Grenfell and robust consultation with social landlords and residents across the sector, the social housing regulator has made it clear that social landlords must be more transparent with their performance outcomes and generally show more visibility and accountability in all service areas. GCHA fully supports the introduction of Tenant Satisfaction Measures as it helps us, as responsible and caring landlord, understand our residents’ perception of the services provided.
Between September and November 2023, all GCHA residents were allowed to participate in the Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey based on residents’ perceptions of GCHA services.
Residents were allowed to respond to the survey online, via post or over the telephone. The survey was sent to 606 residents, with 251 responses received. The survey closed on 10 November 2023. The survey was confidential and anonymised results unless residents gave their permission to be identified. Of those who responded to the survey, over 50% of residents were happy for GCHA to contact them. We have started contacting the residents who requested contact back from GCHA.
Key highlights from the TSM survey indicated that around 2/3 of residents (65%) are satisfied with the overall services GCHA provides. Compared to the previous perception survey completed in 2022, customer satisfaction levels have improved by 6%. While this is positive, we recognise that we have some way to build trust and relationships with our residents if we are to deliver GCHA’s vision of achieving 80% plus customer satisfaction levels.
Other key highlights: We are working with the Acuity Benchmarking group to produce leaflets of the TSM results, which will be sent to all residents and published on our website.
Based on the results, residents are most satisfied that their homes are safe (72%), with gas servicing (70%) and that their communal areas are clean and maintained (70%). While 68% of residents are satisfied with the repair service over the last 12 months, residents felt that GCHA is easy to deal with and that they are treated fairly and with respect.
On the other hand, we recognise that a key area that residents remain dissatisfied with is complaints handling, having achieved the lowest level of satisfaction at 34%. We will work with the newly formed Resident Scrutiny Panel to improve our complaints service. While we have improved in our repairs service, we recognise that the repairs service may also need to be reviewed, with just over half of residents (56%) satisfied with overall repairs and maintenance service.
In addition to the TSM (Perception) surveys, which will be completed every two years for small Housing Associations, we also carry out Customer Satisfaction Surveys (Transactional). These are surveys carried out with residents who have received or completed a service transaction with GCHA.. This may include a repair, ASB services, gas or electrical service, registering a complaint with GCHA or becoming a new tenant.
Key results at the end of March 2023 are below. While we have improved in some areas, i.e. complaints handling, lettings and compliance service, customer satisfaction levels have dipped with repair services and cleaning of communal areas, impacting the overall customer satisfaction.